Source code for dicom_csv.spatial

from itertools import groupby
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, Union, NamedTuple
from enum import Enum

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .interface import csv_series
from .tags import get_common_tag, get_tag, drop_duplicated_instances
from .utils import Series, Instance, ORIENTATION, extract_dims, split_floats, zip_equal, contains_info, collect
from .exceptions import *
from .misc import get_image

__all__ = [
    'get_orientation_matrix', 'get_slice_plane', 'get_slices_plane', 'Plane', 'order_series',
    'get_slice_locations', 'locations_to_spacing', 'get_slice_spacing',
    'get_pixel_spacing', 'get_voxel_spacing', 'get_image_position_patient', 'drop_duplicated_slices',
    # deprecated
    'get_slice_orientation', 'get_slices_orientation', 'SlicesOrientation',
    'orientation_matrix_to_slices_orientation', 'get_axes_permutation', 'get_flipped_axes',
    'get_image_plane', 'restore_orientation_matrix'

[docs]class Plane(Enum): Sagittal, Coronal, Axial = 0, 1, 2
# TODO: deprecate
[docs]class SlicesOrientation(NamedTuple): """ Defines how slices should be transformed in order to be canonically oriented: First transpose slices if ``transpose == True``. Then flip slices along ``flip_axes`` (they already account for transposition). """ transpose: bool flip_axes: tuple
def _get_image_position_patient(instance: Instance): return np.array(list(map(float, get_tag(instance, 'ImagePositionPatient'))))
[docs]@csv_series def get_image_position_patient(series: Series) -> np.ndarray: """Returns ImagePositionPatient stacked into array.""" return np.stack(list(map(_get_image_position_patient, series)))
def _get_image_orientation_patient(instance: Instance): return np.array(list(map(float, get_tag(instance, 'ImageOrientationPatient')))) def _get_orientation_matrix(instance: Instance): row, col = _get_image_orientation_patient(instance).reshape(2, 3) return np.stack([row, col, np.cross(row, col)])
[docs]@csv_series def get_orientation_matrix(series: Series) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns a 3 x 3 orthogonal transition matrix from the image-based basis to the patient-based basis. Rows are coordinates of image-based basis vectors in the patient-based basis. Columns are coordinates of patient-based basis vectors in the image-based basis vectors. See for details. """ om = _get_orientation_matrix(series[0]) if not np.all([np.allclose(om, _get_orientation_matrix(i)) for i in series]): raise ConsistencyError('Orientation matrix varies across slices.') return om
def _orientation_matrix_to_image_planes(om): return tuple(Plane(i) for i in np.argmax(np.abs(om), axis=1))
[docs]def orientation_matrix_to_slices_plane(om: np.ndarray) -> Plane: return _orientation_matrix_to_image_planes(om)[2]
[docs]def get_slice_plane(instance: Instance) -> Plane: return orientation_matrix_to_slices_plane(_get_orientation_matrix(instance))
[docs]@csv_series def get_slices_plane(series: Series) -> Plane: return orientation_matrix_to_slices_plane(get_orientation_matrix(series))
@np.deprecate def orientation_matrix_to_slices_orientation(om: np.ndarray) -> SlicesOrientation: planes = _orientation_matrix_to_image_planes(om) if set(planes) != {Plane.Sagittal, Plane.Coronal, Plane.Axial}: raise ValueError('Main image planes cannot be treated as saggital, coronal and axial.') if planes[2] != Plane.Axial: raise NotImplementedError('We do not know what is normal orientation for non-axial slice.') transpose = planes[0] == Plane.Coronal if transpose: om = om[[1, 0, 2]] flip_axes = [] if om[1, 1] < 0: flip_axes.append(0) if om[0, 0] < 0: flip_axes.append(1) return SlicesOrientation(transpose=transpose, flip_axes=tuple(flip_axes)) @np.deprecate def get_slice_orientation(instance: Instance) -> SlicesOrientation: return orientation_matrix_to_slices_orientation(_get_orientation_matrix(instance)) @np.deprecate @csv_series def get_slices_orientation(series: Series) -> SlicesOrientation: return orientation_matrix_to_slices_orientation(get_orientation_matrix(series))
[docs]@csv_series def order_series(series: Series, decreasing: bool = True) -> Series: index = get_slices_plane(series).value return sorted(series, key=lambda s: _get_image_position_patient(s)[index], reverse=decreasing)
[docs]@csv_series def get_slice_locations(series: Series) -> np.ndarray: """ Computes slices location from ImagePositionPatient. NOTE: the order of slice locations can be both increasing or decreasing for ordered series (see order_series). """ om = get_orientation_matrix(series) return np.array([_get_image_position_patient(i) @ om[-1] for i in series])
@csv_series def _get_slices_deltas(series: Series) -> np.ndarray: """Returns distances between slices.""" slice_locations = get_slice_locations(series) deltas = np.abs(np.diff(sorted(slice_locations))) return deltas
[docs]@csv_series def get_slice_spacing(series: Series, max_delta: float = 0.1, errors: bool = True) -> float: """ Returns constant distance between slices of a series. If the series doesn't have constant spacing - raises ValueError if ``errors`` is True, returns ``np.nan`` otherwise. """ try: locations = get_slice_locations(series) except ConsistencyError: if errors: raise return np.nan return locations_to_spacing(sorted(locations), max_delta, errors)
[docs]def locations_to_spacing(locations: Sequence[float], max_delta: float = 0.1, errors: bool = True) -> float: def throw(err): if errors: raise err return np.nan if len(locations) <= 1: return throw(ValueError('Need at least 2 locations to calculate spacing.')) deltas = np.diff(locations) if len(np.unique(np.sign(deltas))) != 1: return throw(ConsistencyError('The locations are not strictly monotonic.')) deltas = np.abs(deltas) min_, max_ = deltas.min(), deltas.max() diff = max_ - min_ if diff > max_delta: return throw(ConsistencyError(f'Non-constant spacing, ranging from {min_} to {max_} (delta: {diff}).')) return deltas.mean()
[docs]@csv_series def get_pixel_spacing(series: Series) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Returns pixel spacing (two numbers) in mm.""" pixel_spacings = np.stack([s.PixelSpacing for s in series]) if (pixel_spacings.max(axis=0) - pixel_spacings.min(axis=0)).max() > 0.01: raise ConsistencyError('Pixel spacing varies across slices.') return pixel_spacings[0]
[docs]@csv_series def get_voxel_spacing(series: Series) -> Tuple[float, float, float]: """Returns voxel spacing: pixel spacing and distance between slices' centers.""" dx, dy = get_pixel_spacing(series) dz = get_slice_spacing(series) return dx, dy, dz
@csv_series def get_image_size(series: Series) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: rows = get_common_tag(series, 'Rows') columns = get_common_tag(series, 'Columns') slices = len(series) return int(rows), int(columns), slices
[docs]def drop_duplicated_slices(series: Series, tolerance_hu=1) -> Series: series = drop_duplicated_instances(series) indices = list(range(len(series))) slice_locations = get_slice_locations(series) try: instance_numbers = [get_tag(i, 'InstanceNumber') for i in series] indices = sorted(indices, key=lambda i: (slice_locations[i], instance_numbers[i])) except TagMissingError: indices = sorted(indices, key=lambda i: slice_locations[i]) new_indices = [] for _, group in groupby(indices, key=lambda i: slice_locations[i]): group = list(group) image = get_image(series[group[0]]) if not all(np.allclose(get_image(series[i]), image, atol=tolerance_hu) for i in group): raise ValueError( 'Slices have same locations, but different pixel arrays.') new_indices.append(group[0]) return [series[i] for i in sorted(new_indices)]
# ------------------ DEPRECATED ------------------------ get_image_plane = np.deprecate(get_slices_plane, old_name='get_image_plane') get_xyz_spacing = np.deprecate(get_voxel_spacing, old_name='get_xyz_spacing') @np.deprecate def get_axes_permutation(row: pd.Series): return np.abs(get_orientation_matrix(row)).argmax(axis=0) @np.deprecate @csv_series @collect def get_flipped_axes(series: Series): m = get_orientation_matrix(series) for axis, j in enumerate(np.abs(m).argmax(axis=1)[:2]): if m[axis, j] < 0: yield axis @np.deprecate def order_slice_locations(dicom_metadata: pd.Series): locations = split_floats(dicom_metadata.SliceLocations) if np.any([np.isnan(loc) for loc in locations]): raise ValueError("Some SliceLocations are missing") # Do not put `restore_slice_location` here, # since `should_flip` has unexpected behaviour in that case. return np.array(sorted(zip_equal( split_floats(dicom_metadata.InstanceNumbers), locations ))).T # TODO: something must return transpose order, so we can apply it to all important metadata # TODO: take PatientPosition into account # def transpose_series(series: Series, plane: Union[Plane, int] = Plane.Axial): # pass # TODO: rewrite based on deployment code, specifically use transpose based on Plane @np.deprecate def normalize_orientation(image: np.ndarray, row: pd.Series): """ Transposes and flips the ``image`` to standard (Coronal, Sagittal, Axial) orientation. Warnings -------- Changing image orientation. New image orientation will not coincide with metadata! """ if not contains_info(row, *ORIENTATION): raise ValueError('There is no enough metadata to standardize the image orientation.') if np.isnan(get_orientation_matrix(row)).any(): raise ValueError('There is no enough metadata to standardize the image orientation.') image = np.flip(image, axis=get_flipped_axes(row)) return image.transpose(*get_axes_permutation(row)) # TODO: legacy?
[docs]def restore_orientation_matrix(metadata: Union[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]): """ Fills nan values (if possible) in ``metadata``'s ImageOrientationPatient* rows. Required columns: ImageOrientationPatient[0-5] Notes ----- The input dataframe will be mutated. """ def restore(vector): null = pd.isnull(vector) if null.any() and not null.all(): length = 1 - (vector[~null] ** 2).sum() vector = vector.copy() vector[null] = length / np.sqrt(null.sum()) return vector coords = np.moveaxis(metadata[ORIENTATION].astype(float).values.reshape(-1, 2, 3), 1, 0) result = np.concatenate([restore(x) for x in coords], axis=1) if metadata.ndim == 1: result = extract_dims(result) metadata[ORIENTATION] = result return metadata